Contact Us
Mailing Address:
The Frances McClelland Institute
University of Arizona
John and Doris Norton School of Human Ecology
McClelland Park, Suite 235
650 N. Park Ave.
PO Box 210078
Tucson, AZ 85721-0078
Email: families@cals.arizona.edu
Phone: 520.621.8067
Driving Directions
From East
From I-10, exit at Speedway Boulevard (Exit 257). Turn right onto Speedway Boulevard, Turn right on Euclid traveling South. Turn left on University Blvd traveling East. Turn right on Park Ave traveling South. McClelland Park is on the left, one block.
From Tucson International Airport
Travel north on Tucson Boulevard to Valencia and turn left. Take Valencia to Campbell and turn right. Follow Campbell north. Turn left on Sixth St. travelling west. Turn right on Park Ave, travelling north. McClelland Park is on the right, two blocks.
From Phoenix (North) and from West
Take Interstate 10 East to Tucson. Exit at Speedway Boulevard (Exit 257). Turn left on Speedway traveling East. Turn right on Euclid traveling South. Turn left on University Blvd traveling East. Turn right on Park Ave traveling South. McClelland Park is on the left, one block.
Below you will find a parking map of the University of Arizona. You may park in the Tyndall Ave. or Sixth Street Garages. The two garages are found within the orange circles, and the Institute is indicated by a purple star on the map.
To check the availability of the garages by clicking here.
To check the parking garage rates on campus please click here.